How to put on a headband wigs?

2022-July-11-Mon 04:52:33:PM  AUTHOR:AniceKiss

How to put on a headband wig?

Easiest install tutorial.

how to put on a headband wig

Headband wigs are becoming more and more popular recently, and they are very good choices for hot temperature. You can create a beautiful style with them in under five minutes, and they're inexpensive and easy to apply. This blog article will help you understand how to put on a headband wig!

Step 1.

First and foremost, get the one you like! There are a variety of lengths, colors, and textures to choose from when it comes to headband wigs, so you have plenty of options.

human hair headband wigs

Step 2.

You can braid down your hair, or just simple slick back you natural hair and tie it. Make sure there is no flyaway.


Step 3.

Comb down you baby hairs if you like.


Step 4.

Put on the stocking cap.

put on the stocking cap


Step 5.

Put your headband wig on your head. There are 4 clips on the wig, 2 on the sides, on in the middle, and 1 at the back. Stick them underneath the cap. Once thats done, youre going to just bring the strips of the band together at the back